Are you working full- or part-time and thinking about applying for the Master in Content Strategy? Then this video is for you. I will not only talk about how my usual week looks like in terms of time management and work load, but also about some other impacts worth considering.
In an organisation and beside other duties, a solide support for the studies from your organisation is key.
In my video I would like to give you some arguments why your organisation should really support your work and how you can show the benefits of your hours away in Graz against when it comes to increasing the value you can bring into your organisation with your new knowledge. I hope this video can help you on your way, or is even watched by your boss.
By the way: Most of my colleagues are also very active online. Follow us on Twitter with @Content Graz or with the Hashtags #cos15 or #cos16. Check out the list of our study coordinator Heinz Wittenbrink below and visit our blog. And then, when you know enough to decide – send your application, and go to convince your boss to support you on your way, the best ever possible! Good luck & all the best!
Dates and deadlines for application
Great insight, well done!
Merci vielmol <3!!